Beginning Monday, May 24, in addition to Library Take Out and Library Appointments, the library will be offering Walk-In times each Monday from 3:00 – 8:00 pm.   No need to schedule ahead. During Walk-In time, you may visit the library without an appointment.
Visitors during Walk-In Mondays will follow the following rules:

During Walk-In Mondays, please be aware that there will be a limit of 8 patrons in the library at one time.  To give everyone who would like to visit the library in this way the ability to do so, we are encouraging brief visits of 30 minutes or less.  If the building is at capacity when you arrive, you will be asked to wait outside the library for availability.  Library staff will let you know when space is available and you may enter.

More Appointments are now available!
The library has added more appointments each week.  In addition to our existing appointment times, you may now make an appointment to visit the library Tuesdays, 5:00-8:00pm and Thursdays, 1:00-5:00 pm. The regulations for visiting the library by appointment may be found on our Library Appointments page.

Library Take Out is still a great option!
Patrons are welcome to call: 523-9650, email:, or use our online catalog to place materials on hold.

Staff processes and prepares requests for pick up four days a week.